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Press Awards 2016: Sports Journalist of the Year Matthew Syed and Political Journalist of the Year Rachel Sylvester
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Travel Insights
  • 44% of Times readers are likely to try and go somewhere different on holiday every time.
  • The Times readers have spent over £1.8bn on holidays and short breaks in the last year.
  • 342,000 Times readers went on 4 or more holidays in the past year.
First for business

According to the British Business Survey (Sept 2011), The Times is the No.1 daily newspaper for business readers and reaches 50% more decision makers than the Financial Times or the Daily Telegraph. The Times won the Business and Finance Newspaper Team of the Year Team Award at the 2011 Press Awards

Key columnists

David Aaronovitch, Peter Brookes (cartoonist), Philip Collins, Giles Coren, Robert Crampton, Daniel Finkelstein, Caitlin Moran, Matthew Parris, Libby Purves, Ben Macintyre, Carol Midgely, Tim Montgomerie, Melanie Reid, Hugo Rifkind, Sathnam Sanghera, Rachel Sylvester, Alice Thomson, Janice Turner

*Source: ABC (Dec 2016), NRS (Oct '15 - Sept '16)

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